Sunrise : 06:57 AM Sunset : 06:26 PM

Membership Information

Membership Form:

A membership form is available at the Islamic center (Masjid Ibrahim). The membership form must be completed and submitted to the Secretary, Treasurer or President of the Islamic center of Southwest Florida.

Annual Membership Dues:

Annual single membership: $100.00
Annual family membership: $200.00

Lifetime Membership dues:

Lifetime single membership $2500.00
Lifetime family membership $5000.00

Membership Renewal:

  • Membership duration is from January to December of the current year.
  • Membership must be renewed each year before April 1st of the current year.

Membership Payment:

Payment in full (Preferred)

Payment plan: due to the accounting management, it is required that member must pay minimum one half ($100 for family and $50 for single) before the April 1st. member must notify to the treasurer of the Islamic center and can make arrangements to pay the rest of the amount before 30th September of the current year.

Membership Eligibility:

Member, who had filed out the membership form, paid the membership dues in full and approved by the executive committee will have the rights to participate in the membership meetings and all other Islamic center’s functions and activities.

Please note: if you decide to become a member of the Islamic center of SWL, you must complete the membership form entirely and provide the current information including the phone number and valid E-mail address.

May the Almighty grant us the strength to fulfill this great endeavor Amin ya Rabb.